Alcohol Policy
Effective Date: February 7, 2024
I. Statement of Responsibility:
The University reaffirms its commitment to providing a safe academic environment by focusing on the wellness and safety of the entire NJIT community. All members of the NJIT community are expected to meet personal conduct and professional standards when holding or attending University related events at which alcohol is served. Those who sponsor alcohol at approved events are obligated to do so in a responsible manner that does not threaten the welfare or safety of others and does not damage or harm the reputation of the University. Additionally, procurement of alcohol, regardless of funding source, must comply with the University’s Fiduciary Responsibilities Policy.
II. Scope of Policy:
This Alcohol Policy (“Policy”) applies and pertains to all University employees. A separate policy applies to students and student organizations and may be found here: Alcohol & Drug Policy for Students & Student Organizations. All events or functions where alcohol is served, must follow and adhere to this Alcohol Policy. The Department or Division Unit Sponsor of any event at which alcohol is intended to be served must obtain all necessary approvals prior to the event.
III. Applicable Law:
The sale, service, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of the NJIT community are regulated by federal, state and local laws. It is a violation of New Jersey state law for a person under 21 years of age to purchase, consume, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages. Moreover, it is unlawful to sell, furnish, or give alcoholic beverages or permit alcoholic beverages to be sold, furnished, or given to any minor. NJIT does not have the authority to alter these laws or exempt any member of the university community from them. All members of the NJIT community are responsible for being familiar with and obeying these laws. Under no circumstance should anyone serve, furnish, sell or deliver alcohol to a person who is actually or even appears to be intoxicated. If a person insists that he/she be served an alcoholic beverage, Public Safety or local police should be called for assistance.
IV. Policy:
University funds, irrespective of source, cannot be used to purchase alcohol with certain exceptions outlined herein. As mandated by the Federal Government and the State of New Jersey, alcohol is not an allowable expense on Federal grant or State supported funds.
For unrestricted funds, alcohol may be an allowable business expense in certain circumstances when there is an approved business justification – such as fundraising, external events or during the recruitment process made at the Vice President level. For more information, refer to the Travel and Business Expense Policy. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on any grants, contracts or other restricted funds without specific advance approval from the sponsor and justified as part of the budget narrative for the research being conducted.
Alcohol may be offered at university sponsored holiday parties and other university-sponsored celebration events.
V. Guidelines for Events with Alcohol
1. Prior to holding an event where alcohol will be served, the event sponsor must register the event and obtain prior authorization and approval using the Alcohol Event Request Form.
2. For NJIT events or functions in which alcohol will be served, the applicable NJIT Sponsor must obtain approval for alcohol to be served at least thirty days prior to the scheduled event. Pre-approval shall be obtained from the following:
a. For Academic Departments or Offices: Dean and Provost approvals required.
b. For Administrative Departments or Offices: Department VP and CFO approvals required.
3. Information required in determining whether or not to approve alcohol at the event, is not limited to the following:
a. Purpose of the event or function;
b. Sponsor for the NJIT event;
c. Time, date and location of planned event;
d. Total estimated attendance by NJIT and non-NJIT guests;
e. Number of TIPS trained servers; and
f. Other integral factors specific to the event, as may be required by Legal, Risk Management, Budget or Public Safety.
4. No alcohol may be served or consumed at any event regardless of whether the alcohol has already been purchased or contracted for without pre-approval.
5. Attendees may not bring alcohol into an NJIT event or function regardless of affiliation with the University (staff, faculty, students or guests).
6. The sole provider of alcohol at the Newark Campus is Gourmet Dining Services (“GDS”), who holds exclusive rights for the service of alcohol on campus.
7. Alcohol at NJIT events or functions is limited to beer, wine, and sparkling beverages unless otherwise approved by the President, Provost, CFO or VP of Development and Alumni Relations (“DAR”).
8. Alcohol servers, including third party caterers, for any event must be at least 21 years old and TIPS trained and certified. A minimum of two TIPS trained servers must be present at the bar or serving table when there are 15 or more attendees. At least one TIPS trained and certified server must be present at events with less than 15 guests.
9. Food and non-alcoholic beverages shall be offered and served at all events or functions where alcohol is served.
10. If event attendance includes guests both over and under 21 years of age, then a mechanism or process (such as bracelets or hand stamps) must be set in place by the NJIT event sponsor or organizer to identify those of legal drinking age. Alcohol may not be served to any individual under 21 years of age.
11. Alcohol may not be served to anyone who is visibly intoxicated when arriving at, or attending an event on NJIT property or offsite. If such person insists that he/she be served an alcoholic beverage, Public Safety or local police, should be called for assistance as appropriate. Public Safety can be reached at (973) 596-3111 or 911 for local police.
12. Alcohol must remain confined within the event facility space identified in the pre-approval process.
13. Alcoholic beverages are only permitted at planned events once all proper approvals are obtained.
14. Public Safety must be notified ahead of time of any planned and approved events on NJIT’s campus where alcohol will be consumed.
15. The selling of alcohol is prohibited.
16. Advertising for and invitations to an event cannot include any reference to alcohol regardless of the presence of alcoholic beverages.
17. Alcoholic beverages cannot be provided as awards, door prizes or giveaways of any kind at on-campus University sponsored events.
VI. Related Information: Employee Sanctions
Any employee found in violation of this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Information regarding employee sanctions may be obtained from Human Resources at Additionally, NJIT Department of Public Safety personnel is guided by all directives, guidelines, mandates, and other advisory communications from the New Jersey's Attorney General's Office and Essex County
Prosecutor's Office regarding the use of illegal controlled substances or cannabis products. The serving of Alcoholic Beverages at University Sponsored Events may be suspended at the sole discretion of the sponsor or a University Official if it is determined by the employee sponsor or a University Official that violations of this Alcohol Policy are occurring or are likely to occur.