Tutoring Information
Tutoring information and FAQs.
Our tutors offer a wide range of subjects including biology, biomedical engineering, computer science, chemical engineering, chemistry, electrical and computer engineering, information systems, information technology, math, and physics. You can confirm whether we offer tutoring in the subject you need by checking on Navigate. If you are interested in a subject we do not offer please contact tlc@svztur.com.
All appointments and walk in times are available on Navigate. Please see video below if you are unsure how to schedule an appointment on Navigate or follow this PDF:
Appointments are limited to two per week.
Yes, but please inform your tutor ASAP. Appointments that are cancelled within two hours of the appointment will be considered a late cancel. If you have two late cancellations and/or no-shows in a semester, you will not be able to schedule any other appointments for the next 60 days. Please contact tlc@svztur.com if you are having a problem with canceling.
Yes, there is some drop in tutoring offered. Schedule and availability is listed on Navigate under appointments- view drop in times.